Therapy for Codependence in Nassau County


Counseling in Long Island for Anxiety, Relationships and Codependent/Enmeshed Patterns.

Live in Nassau County or Long Island and are feeling stuck? 

Are you looking to improve your quality of life by having better relationships?

Heal you codependent patterns and allow relationships to fulfill you.


A boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing lineBoundaries are essential for living a successful life because they are what define who you are and what you are ok with, allowing for meaningful relationships.

It's exhausting to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

If you're stuck in a place where you don't feel comfortable asking for your needs, and are swirling in self doubt, it's time to set limits and redefine your self worth. 


If your boundaries aren't clearly defined, it's likely you'll get pulled into a codependent, enmeshed dynamic, where you're not clear of your own limits and get mixed up with where the other person starts and ends.  

Codependency is defined as an excessive emotional or psychological reliance on another person. You may have some codependent traits if you:

  • Rely on others to make you feel ok about yourself.

  • Worry about others' opinions of you.

  • Feel trapped in your relationships and avoid arguments at all costs.

  • Are terrified others won't like you if they get to see the real you.

  • Consider yourself kind and generous but you feel tired, burnt out and exhausted.

  • Feel a pressure to make things right and find solutions to your loved ones problems.

Individuals get into codependent patterns hoping to calm their anxiety and wanting to "make things better".

Your need to "fix" things and help others may be coming from an authentically caring place yet is often experienced as "over the top", annoying or borderline invasive. Your constant need for another person to remind you that you're worthy and OK exhausts your relationships,  leaving you confused about where to turn next.

When you're stuck in either of these traps, you'll have a difficult time creating balance in your friendships and relationships.

In therapy you will learn to engage with others and the world while maintaining your self respect, valuing your space and your needs.

We'll help you identify old patterns, and teach you new ways of engaging with others. You'll know you're on the path to healthier relationships when you can:

  • Feel wise, reliable, capable and strong on your own.

  • Understand your wants and desires and feel connected to your own inner world.

  • Strengthen awareness and take accountability for your part in creating balance in relationships.

  • Tolerate other people's opinions without getting defensive or reactive.

  • Let go of carrying other peoples feelings, experiences or responsibilities.

  • Own your thoughts, feelings and choices without blaming self or other.

  • Recognize that your self esteem is based on you, your beliefs and values.

  • Confidently set limits without feeling guilt

  • Ability to accept "no" from others with understanding and maturity.

In therapy, I help you rescript your life so that you can have inner peace.

Our work focuses on identifying, and changing the beliefs that are keeping you stuck so you can create the change you desire

We help you learn to feel capable of caring for your emotions, learn to navigate and significantly reduce your anxiety so that you feel stronger inside.

Living with the right dose of responsibility allows for the those playful moments of joy, connection, positivity and creativity in your life!

Ready to start your healing journey today? Reach out for a free consult!